Knoxville Family Law Blog

When can my child support be reduced?

In Tennessee, there are many different circumstances that might allow a modification to reduce the child support amount. If you have reduced income in a new job due to a RIF or lay off from your old job, that wasnt the result of you quitting or being fired from your...

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Estate planning when getting divorced

If you are like most people who get divorced in Tennessee, you will experience a wide variety of emotions as you work through the many decisions and changes to come. Sometimes, there are so many things to focus on that you only have the energy for the ones that seem...

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Why is your spouse hiding assets?

Tennessee parents like you have a lot of financial decisions - and sacrifices - to make when you are finalizing the terms of your divorce. Child support payments are one major area of contention, and you may find yourself with quite a conundrum if you are suspicious...

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