You had to get through your divorce, but now, just a few days after the final judgment, you've decided you don't agree with the judge's opinion or on how he ruled. After a divorce judgment is issued, both parties do have a chance to appeal. Certain decisions made by...
Month: April 2018
Adoption: Growing your family
There are plenty of myths about adoptions that should be debunked. Children who are waiting for adoptive parents already struggle to find homes, but the bias these myths create makes it harder to find families. Myths start because of a few situations that are not...
How to avoid visitation conflicts on special occasions
It's a well-known fact that many families experience high levels of stress when special events or holidays take place. If you're one of many Tennessee parents who are currently preparing for divorce, you'll want to do whatever you can ahead of time to avoid potential...
Who gets custody of a pet after a divorce?
As you move through the divorce process, you're sure to pay attention to details like child custody, child support, property division and alimony. However, there may be a big question on your mind: Who gets custody of your pet (or pets) after the divorce is finalized?...
Try these things before getting a divorce
There are times when saving a marriage is next to impossible. No matter how hard the couple tries, they don't seem to make any progress. Conversely, there are situations in which a couple is able to work through their issues and get back on the right track. While you...