Even if you are stuck in a bad marriage, you know that it can be a challenge to tell your spouse you want a divorce. There is something about having this conversation that is sure to make you nervous. If you find that you have no other option, it's best to prepare for...
Month: November 2017
Tennessee requires waiting period for no fault divorce
Whether your marriage has been barely hanging on for months (or longer) or a cataclysmic event brought it to an abrupt end, navigating the process of divorce can be quite daunting. Perhaps you and your spouse are on good enough speaking terms that you both agree you...
Will you divide credit card debt in divorce?
As you move through the divorce process one small step at a time, it's only natural to turn your attention to property division at some point. You want to know that you are getting what is rightfully yours in regards to assets. But here's something else to remember:...
Do these things to prepare for adoption
There is no denying the fact that moving forward with adoption is sure to change your life in a number of ways. While this is something you are looking forward to, it's important that you know exactly what you should and shouldn't be doing as the big day closes in....