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When can child support be modified in Tennessee?

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2023 | blog | 0 comments

If you are paying child support you may be entitled to a modification to lower your payment if your income has decreased, you have additional children or you are spending more overnights with your children. The legal test in Tennessee is whether there is a fifteen percent (15%) variance between what you were originally ordered to pay and what your new obligation would be under your current income according to the child support guidelines. If there is a fifteen percent (15%) variance downward you are entitled to a reduction in your monthly child support obligation.
If you are receiving child support you may be entitled to an increase if the obligor has increased income, you have additional children or the obligor is spending fewer overnights with the children. The test, again, is whether there is a is a fifteen percent (15%) variance. We can run the numbers to see if you would be entitled to a child support modification.