If you have been in a marriage for several years or longer, one thing that you may be concerned about is what will happen if you divorce and do not have a second income. Depending on the situation in your marriage, you may or may not have worked. If you are someone...
Will virtual visitation be part of your child custody agreement?
Deciding to divorce in a Tennessee court is obviously a serious issue. If you have children, their best interests are undoubtedly your main priority. You and your spouse hopefully still get along well enough that you can expect to achieve an amicable co-parenting...
Strong custody plans are better for the future of your children
When Tennessee parents divorce, one of their main concerns is the well-being and continued security of their children. In some cases, it may be possible to secure a reasonable, fair and workable child custody order without ever stepping foot inside a courtroom. If you...
Considering if an uncontested divorce is the right choice for you
For many Tennessee readers, the thought of divorce can be daunting and overwhelming. The process of ending a marriage and addressing all the things you have to consider as you walk through the divorce process may not appeal to you. Fortunately, a lengthy and...