Many years ago, almost every adoption was of the closed variety. This means there is no future contact between the child and the birthparents after the adoption process comes to an end. However, open adoptions are becoming more and more common today.
If you’re interested in adopting a child, you need to learn more about both types. This will go a long way in ensuring that you make the right decision for you and your current family.
While a closed adoption may be “standard” in your mind, it’s still a good idea to learn more about an open adoption. Some of the many benefits associated with this include:
- Easier for you to discuss your child’s questions about his or her birthparents
- Helps the child come to grips with the idea of adoption, knowing that everyone is involved and on the same page
- Less of a mystery for all parties involved
At our law firm, we have many years of experience with both closed and open adoptions. We’re familiar with the pros and cons of both, which allows us to help our clients make the decision that is best for them.
If you are serious about adoption, you should start by learning more about the legal process and the steps you need to take. From there, you can focus on the ins and outs of both open and closed adoptions. Soon enough, you’ll have a clear idea of the pros and cons of each, which puts you in position to make a confident decision at the right time. An attorney with experience in adoptions can provide valuable insight.