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Divorce modification: What does this mean?

On Behalf of | Apr 27, 2017 | divorce | 0 comments

After your divorce is final, you hope that you never have to revisit this in the future. Unfortunately, you never know what will happen down the road.

There are times when you may need to seek a divorce modification. Although this sounds like a challenge, and it can take some time to work through the finer details, it’s important to realize that you’re doing something that will improve your life.

There are many things that can be modified, such as child custody and child support.

For example, there may come a time when you realize that you can no longer make your child support payment in full. There are many reasons why this can happen, such as if you lose your job or are unable to work due to a serious medical concern.

If you find yourself in this position, you should not hesitate to seek a child support modification. By taking the right steps, you can have your payment lowered so you can continue to support your child as you work through your personal challenges.

At our law firm, we know that most people want to leave their divorce in the past. We also know there are times when a divorce modification is necessary. When this happens, it’s important for the person to take the right steps.

You should never assume that you have no rights in regards to child support and custody. A modification may not be something you want to deal with, but there could come a point when this is the best way to improve your situation.